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First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Forth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Addition facts - sums up to 10
Make a number using addition - sums up to 10
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10
Ways to make a number - addition sentences up to 10
Addition word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20
Addition facts - sums up to 20
Make a number using addition - sums up to 20
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 20
Addition word problems - sums up to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 20
Related addition facts
Addition sentences: true or false?
Addition sentences: which is true?
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - without regrouping
Regroup tens and ones - ways to make a number
Regroup tens and ones
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - with regrouping
Addition word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Addition sentences for word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Addition skill builders
Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
Adding 10
Addition strategies
Add doubles - with models
Add doubles
Add doubles - complete the sentence
Add using doubles plus one
Add using doubles minus one
Add three numbers - use doubles
Complete the addition sentence - make ten
Add three numbers - make ten
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number
Add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number
Add two multiples of ten
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number
Add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number
Add three numbers
Add three numbers - word problems
Comparing - review
Compare numbers up to 10 using words
Compare numbers up to 10 using symbols
Compare numbers up to 100 using words
Compare numbers up to 100 using symbols
Comparison word problems
Counting and number patterns
Counting review - up to 10
Count to fill a ten frame
Counting review - up to 20
Counting tens and ones - up to 20
Count on ten frames - up to 40
Skip-counting by twos
Skip-counting by fives
Skip-counting by tens
Skip-counting by twos, fives, and tens
Counting - up to 100
Counting tens and ones - up to 99
Counting by twos, fives, and tens
Counting forward - up to 100
Counting backward - up to 100
Counting forward - up to 120
Counting on the hundred chart
Hundred chart
Even or odd
Identify numbers as even or odd
Which even or odd number comes before or after?
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 5, and 10
Ordinal numbers
Writing numbers in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words - convert digits to words
Roman numerals I, V, X
Data and graphs
Which picture graph is correct?
Interpret picture graphs
Which tally chart is correct?
Estimate to the nearest ten
Equal parts - halves, thirds, and fourths
Identify halves
Identify thirds
Identify fourths
Identify halves and fourths
Identify halves, thirds, and fourths
Simple fractions: what fraction does the shape show?
Compare fractions
Read a thermometer
Measure length with objects
Measure length with cubes
Mixed operations
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
Fact families
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems
Addition and subtraction sentences: which is true?
Ten more or less
Add and subtract tens
Addition and subtraction terms
Names and values of common coins
Names and values of all coins
Count pennies, nickels, and dimes
Count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
Equivalent groups of coins
Exchanging coins - with pictures
Exchanging coins
Purchases: do you have enough money?
Compare money amounts
Least number of coins
Introduction to patterns
Find the next shape in a pattern
Complete a pattern
Make a pattern
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a growing pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Place values
Place value models up to 20
Write numbers as tens and ones up to 20
Place value models up to 100
Subtraction facts - up to 10
Make a number using subtraction - up to 10
Ways to make a number - subtraction sentences up to 10
Ways to subtract from a number - subtraction sentences up to 10
Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 10
Subtraction word problems - up to 10
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 10
Subtraction sentences using number lines - up to 20
Subtraction facts - up to 20
Make a number using subtraction - up to 20
Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 20
Subtraction word problems - up to 20
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 20
Related subtraction facts
Subtraction sentences: true or false?
Subtraction sentences: which is true?
Subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers
Subtraction skill builders
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Subtracting 0
Subtraction strategies
Relate addition and subtraction sentences
Subtract doubles
Subtract multiples of 10
Subtract a multiple of 10
Understand addition
Add with cubes - sums up to 10
Add with pictures - sums up to 10
Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?
Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 10
Turn words into an addition sentence - sums up to 10
Adding zero
Understand subtraction
Subtract with pictures - up to 10
Subtraction sentences up to 10: which model matches?
Subtraction sentences up to 10: what does the model show?
Subtraction sentences using number lines - up to 10
Turn words into a subtraction sentence - up to 10
Subtract zero and all
Addition - one digit
Add one-digit numbers - sums to 10
Ways to make a number with addition - sums to 10
Match addition sentences and models - sums to 10
Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 10
Turn words into an addition sentence - sums to 10
Addition with pictures - sums to 20
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20
Add one-digit numbers
Addition input/output tables - sums to 20
Add zero
Add doubles using models
Add doubles
Add doubles - complete the sentence
Addition word problems - sums to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums to 20
Complete the addition sentence - sums to 20
Balance addition equations - sums to 20
Addition sentences: which is true?
Add three one-digit numbers
Add three one-digit numbers: word problems
Add four or more one-digit numbers
Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 10
Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 10
Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 25
Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 25
Addition - three digits
Add multiples of 100
Add multiples of 10 or 100
Use models to add three-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add three-digit numbers - with regrouping
Addition with three-digit numbers
Addition word problems - up to three digits
Complete the addition sentence - up to three digits
Write the addition sentence - up to three digits
Balance addition equations - up to three digits
Addition - two digits
Add multiples of 10
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - with regrouping
Add two-digit numbers without regrouping - sums to 100
Add two-digit numbers with regrouping - sums to 100
Add two-digit numbers - sums to 200
Addition input/output tables - up to two digits
Ways to make a number using addition
Addition word problems - up to two digits
Complete the addition sentence - up to two digits
Write the addition sentence - up to two digits
Balance addition equations - up to two digits
Add three numbers up to two digits each
Add three numbers up to two digits each: word problems
Add four numbers up to two digits each
Counting and number patterns
Skip-counting by twos
Skip-counting by fives
Skip-counting by tens
Skip-counting by fives and tens
Skip-counting by twos, fives, and tens
Skip-counting stories
Skip-counting sequences
Count forward and backward by fives and tens
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, and tens
Hundreds chart
Count forward and backward by fives, tens, and hundreds
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds
Even or odd
Identify numbers as even or odd
Which even or odd number comes before or after?
Equal parts
Identify halves
Identify thirds
Identify fourths
Identify halves, thirds, and fourths
Identify the fraction
Which shape illustrates the fraction?
Fractions of a group
Mixed operations
Add and subtract numbers up to 20
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences up to 20: which is true?
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10
Add and subtract numbers up to 100
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 100
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10 or 100
Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
Write addition and subtraction sentences
Inequalities with addition and subtraction - up to 100
Names and values of common coins
Names and values of all coins
Count money - pennies, nickels, and dimes only
Count money - up to $1
Count money - up to $5
Equivalent amounts of money - up to $1
Exchanging money - with pictures
Exchanging money
Add money - up to $1
Subtract money - up to $1
Add and subtract money - up to $1
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $1
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $5
Which picture shows more - up to $5
Least number of coins
How much more to make a dollar?
Correct amount of change
Making change
Names of numbers
Ordinal numbers up to 10th
Spell word names for numbers up to 20
Writing numbers up to 100 in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 100 in words - convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words - convert digits to words
Roman numerals I, V, X, L
Repeating patterns
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a repeating pattern
Find the next shape in a growing pattern
Complete a repeating pattern
Make a repeating pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Related addition facts
Fact families
Units of measurement
Read a thermometer
Customary units of length: word problems
Which customary unit of weight is appropriate?
Choose the appropriate measuring tool
Add two numbers up to three digits
Addition input/output tables: up to three digits
Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems
Complete the addition sentence: up to three digits
Balance addition equations: up to three digits
Add three numbers up to three digits each
Add three numbers up to three digits each: word problems
Addition up to three digits: fill in the missing digits
Add two numbers up to four digits
Add two numbers up to four digits: word problems
Complete the addition sentence: up to four digits
Add three numbers up to four digits each
Add three numbers up to four digits each: word problems
Addition up to four digits: fill in the missing digits
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Add two numbers up to six digits
Count coins and bills - up to $5 bill
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $10
Which picture shows more?
Correct amount of change
Making change
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Numbers and comparing
Even or odd
Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, M
Compare numbers
Comparing: with addition and subtraction
Multi-step inequalities
Repeating patterns
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a pattern
Complete a repeating pattern
Make a repeating pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Properties of addition
Complete the equation using properties of addition
Add using properties
Relate addition and multiplication
Add two numbers up to five digits
Add two numbers up to seven digits
Addition: fill in the missing digits
Properties of addition
Add 3 or more numbers up to millions
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Choose numbers with a particular sum
Compare decimals and fractions
Mixed operations
Mentally add and subtract numbers ending in zeroes
Count coins and bills - up to $20 bill
Add and subtract money amounts
Find the change, price, or amount paid
Price lists with addition and subtraction
Number sense
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to one billion in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to one billion in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Place values and number sense
Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Add and subtract money amounts
Whole numbers
Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Select Grade and Skill
Functions and equations
Mixed operations
Money and consumer math
Number theory
Place values
Word problems
First Grade
Add with cubes - sums up to 10
Add with pictures - sums up to 10
Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?
Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 10
Turn words into an addition sentence - sums up to 10
Adding zero
Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
Adding 10
Addition facts - sums up to 10
Make a number using addition - sums up to 10
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10
Ways to make a number - addition sentences up to 10
Addition word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20
Addition facts - sums up to 20
Make a number using addition - sums up to 20
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 20
Addition word problems - sums up to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 20
Related addition facts
Addition sentences: true or false?
Addition sentences: which is true?
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - without regrouping
Regroup tens and ones - ways to make a number
Regroup tens and ones
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - with regrouping
Addition word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Addition sentences for word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Add doubles - with models
Add doubles
Add doubles - complete the sentence
Add using doubles plus one
Add using doubles minus one
Add three numbers - use doubles
Complete the addition sentence - make ten
Add three numbers - make ten
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number
Add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number
Add two multiples of ten
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number
Add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number
Add three numbers
Add three numbers - word problems
Relate addition and subtraction sentences
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
Fact families
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences: which is true?
Ten more or less
Add and subtract tens
Addition and subtraction terms
Second Grade
Add one-digit numbers - sums to 10
Ways to make a number with addition - sums to 10
Match addition sentences and models - sums to 10
Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 10
Turn words into an addition sentence - sums to 10
Addition with pictures - sums to 20
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20
Add one-digit numbers
Addition input/output tables - sums to 20
Add zero
Add doubles using models
Add doubles
Add doubles - complete the sentence
Addition word problems - sums to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums to 20
Complete the addition sentence - sums to 20
Balance addition equations - sums to 20
Addition sentences: which is true?
Add three one-digit numbers
Add three one-digit numbers: word problems
Add four or more one-digit numbers
Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 10
Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 10
Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 25
Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 25
Add multiples of 10
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - with regrouping
Add two-digit numbers without regrouping - sums to 100
Add two-digit numbers with regrouping - sums to 100
Add two-digit numbers - sums to 200
Addition input/output tables - up to two digits
Ways to make a number using addition
Addition word problems - up to two digits
Complete the addition sentence - up to two digits
Write the addition sentence - up to two digits
Balance addition equations - up to two digits
Add three numbers up to two digits each
Add three numbers up to two digits each: word problems
Add four numbers up to two digits each
Add multiples of 100
Add multiples of 10 or 100
Use models to add three-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add three-digit numbers - with regrouping
Addition with three-digit numbers
Addition word problems - up to three digits
Complete the addition sentence - up to three digits
Write the addition sentence - up to three digits
Balance addition equations - up to three digits
Related addition facts
Fact families
Add and subtract numbers up to 20
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences up to 20: which is true?
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10
Add and subtract numbers up to 100
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 100
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10 or 100
Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
Write addition and subtraction sentences
Inequalities with addition and subtraction - up to 100
Add money - up to $1
Add and subtract money - up to $1
Third Grade
Comparing: with addition and subtraction
Multi-step inequalities
Add two numbers up to three digits
Addition input/output tables: up to three digits
Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems
Complete the addition sentence: up to three digits
Balance addition equations: up to three digits
Add three numbers up to three digits each
Add three numbers up to three digits each: word problems
Addition up to three digits: fill in the missing digits
Add two numbers up to four digits
Add two numbers up to four digits: word problems
Complete the addition sentence: up to four digits
Add three numbers up to four digits each
Add three numbers up to four digits each: word problems
Addition up to four digits: fill in the missing digits
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Add two numbers up to six digits
Properties of addition
Complete the equation using properties of addition
Add using properties
Relate addition and multiplication
Add and subtract money amounts
Forth Grade
Add two numbers up to five digits
Add two numbers up to seven digits
Addition: fill in the missing digits
Properties of addition
Add 3 or more numbers up to millions
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Choose numbers with a particular sum
Mentally add and subtract numbers ending in zeroes
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists with addition and subtraction
Fifth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
Sixth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
First Grade
Comparing - review
Compare numbers up to 10 using words
Compare numbers up to 10 using symbols
Compare numbers up to 100 using words
Compare numbers up to 100 using symbols
Comparison word problems
Compare money amounts
Compare fractions
Second Grade
Inequalities with addition and subtraction - up to 100
Third Grade
Compare numbers
Comparing: with addition and subtraction
Multi-step inequalities
Forth Grade
Compare decimals and fractions
First Grade
Counting review - up to 10
Count to fill a ten frame
Counting review - up to 20
Counting tens and ones - up to 20
Count on ten frames - up to 40
Skip-counting by twos
Skip-counting by fives
Skip-counting by tens
Skip-counting by twos, fives, and tens
Counting - up to 100
Counting tens and ones - up to 99
Counting by twos, fives, and tens
Counting forward - up to 100
Counting backward - up to 100
Counting forward - up to 120
Counting on the hundred chart
Hundred chart
Even or odd
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 5, and 10
Ordinal numbers
Writing numbers in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words - convert digits to words
Roman numerals I, V, X
Second Grade
Skip-counting by twos
Skip-counting by fives
Skip-counting by tens
Skip-counting by fives and tens
Skip-counting by twos, fives, and tens
Skip-counting stories
Skip-counting sequences
Count forward and backward by fives and tens
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, and tens
Hundreds chart
Count forward and backward by fives, tens, and hundreds
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds
Even or odd
Ordinal numbers up to 10th
Spell word names for numbers up to 20
Writing numbers up to 100 in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 100 in words - convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words - convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words - convert digits to words
Roman numerals I, V, X, L
Third Grade
Even or odd
Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, M
Forth Grade
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to 100,000 in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words
Writing numbers up to one billion in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers up to one billion in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Fifth Grade
Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Sixth Grade
Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
Spell word names for numbers up to one million
Roman numerals
Forth Grade
Compare decimals and fractions
First Grade
Estimate to the nearest ten
Second Grade
Which customary unit of weight is appropriate?
First Grade
Equal parts - halves, thirds, and fourths
Identify halves
Identify thirds
Identify fourths
Identify halves and fourths
Identify halves, thirds, and fourths
Simple fractions: what fraction does the shape show?
Compare fractions
Second Grade
Equal parts
Identify halves
Identify thirds
Identify fourths
Identify halves, thirds, and fourths
Identify the fraction
Which shape illustrates the fraction?
Fractions of a group
Forth Grade
Compare decimals and fractions
Second Grade
Addition input/output tables - sums to 20
Addition input/output tables - up to two digits
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
Third Grade
Addition input/output tables: up to three digits
First Grade
Which picture graph is correct?
Interpret picture graphs
Which tally chart is correct?
First Grade
Read a thermometer
Measure length with objects
Measure length with cubes
Second Grade
Read a thermometer
Customary units of length: word problems
Which customary unit of weight is appropriate?
Choose the appropriate measuring tool
First Grade
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
Fact families
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems
Addition and subtraction sentences: which is true?
Ten more or less
Add and subtract tens
Addition and subtraction terms
Second Grade
Fact families
Add and subtract numbers up to 20
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences up to 20: which is true?
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10
Add and subtract numbers up to 100
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 100
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10 or 100
Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
Write addition and subtraction sentences
Inequalities with addition and subtraction - up to 100
Add money - up to $1
Subtract money - up to $1
Add and subtract money - up to $1
Third Grade
Comparing: with addition and subtraction
Multi-step inequalities
Relate addition and multiplication
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Forth Grade
Mentally add and subtract numbers ending in zeroes
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists with addition and subtraction
Fifth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Sixth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
First Grade
Names and values of common coins
Names and values of all coins
Count pennies, nickels, and dimes
Count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
Equivalent groups of coins
Exchanging coins - with pictures
Exchanging coins
Purchases: do you have enough money?
Compare money amounts
Least number of coins
Second Grade
Names and values of common coins
Names and values of all coins
Count money - pennies, nickels, and dimes only
Count money - up to $1
Count money - up to $5
Equivalent amounts of money - up to $1
Exchanging money - with pictures
Exchanging money
Add money - up to $1
Subtract money - up to $1
Add and subtract money - up to $1
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $1
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $5
Which picture shows more - up to $5
Least number of coins
How much more to make a dollar?
Correct amount of change
Making change
Third Grade
Count coins and bills - up to $5 bill
Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $10
Which picture shows more?
Correct amount of change
Making change
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Forth Grade
Count coins and bills - up to $20 bill
Add and subtract money amounts
Find the change, price, or amount paid
Price lists with addition and subtraction
Fifth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists
Sixth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
Third Grade
Relate addition and multiplication
First Grade
Identify numbers as even or odd
Which even or odd number comes before or after?
Second Grade
Identify numbers as even or odd
Which even or odd number comes before or after?
First Grade
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 5, and 10
Introduction to patterns
Find the next shape in a pattern
Complete a pattern
Make a pattern
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a growing pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Second Grade
Skip-counting stories
Skip-counting sequences
Count forward and backward by fives and tens
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, and tens
Count forward and backward by fives, tens, and hundreds
Count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds
Repeating patterns
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a repeating pattern
Find the next shape in a growing pattern
Complete a repeating pattern
Make a repeating pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Third Grade
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Repeating patterns
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a pattern
Complete a repeating pattern
Make a repeating pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
Forth Grade
Addition patterns over increasing place values
First Grade
Counting tens and ones - up to 20
Skip-counting by tens
Counting tens and ones - up to 99
Regroup tens and ones - ways to make a number
Regroup tens and ones
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number
Use models to add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number
Place value models up to 20
Write numbers as tens and ones up to 20
Place value models up to 100
Second Grade
Skip-counting by tens
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add two-digit numbers - with regrouping
Add multiples of 10 or 100
Use models to add three-digit numbers - without regrouping
Use models to add three-digit numbers - with regrouping
Third Grade
Addition patterns over increasing place values
Forth Grade
Addition patterns over increasing place values
First Grade
Related addition facts
Related subtraction facts
Addition and subtraction word problems
Second Grade
Related addition facts
Fact families
Third Grade
Properties of addition
Complete the equation using properties of addition
Relate addition and multiplication
Forth Grade
Properties of addition
First Grade
Subtract with pictures - up to 10
Subtraction sentences up to 10: which model matches?
Subtraction sentences up to 10: what does the model show?
Subtraction sentences using number lines - up to 10
Turn words into a subtraction sentence - up to 10
Subtract zero and all
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Subtracting 0
Subtraction facts - up to 10
Make a number using subtraction - up to 10
Ways to make a number - subtraction sentences up to 10
Ways to subtract from a number - subtraction sentences up to 10
Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 10
Subtraction word problems - up to 10
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 10
Subtraction sentences using number lines - up to 20
Subtraction facts - up to 20
Make a number using subtraction - up to 20
Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 20
Subtraction word problems - up to 20
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 20
Related subtraction facts
Subtraction sentences: true or false?
Subtraction sentences: which is true?
Subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers
Relate addition and subtraction sentences
Subtract doubles
Subtract multiples of 10
Subtract a multiple of 10
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
Fact families
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences: which is true?
Ten more or less
Add and subtract tens
Addition and subtraction terms
Second Grade
Fact families
Add and subtract numbers up to 20
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 20
Addition and subtraction sentences up to 20: which is true?
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10
Add and subtract numbers up to 100
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 100
Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 100
Input/output tables - add and subtract by 10 or 100
Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
Write addition and subtraction sentences
Inequalities with addition and subtraction - up to 100
Subtract money - up to $1
Add and subtract money - up to $1
Third Grade
Comparing: with addition and subtraction
Multi-step inequalities
Add and subtract money amounts
Forth Grade
Mentally add and subtract numbers ending in zeroes
Add and subtract money amounts
Price lists with addition and subtraction
Fifth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
Sixth Grade
Add and subtract money amounts
First Grade
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Addition word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 10
Addition word problems - sums up to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 20
Addition word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Addition sentences for word problems - one-digit plus two-digit numbers
Add three numbers - word problems
Subtraction word problems - up to 10
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 10
Subtraction word problems - up to 20
Subtraction sentences for word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction terms
Comparison word problems
Second Grade
Skip-counting stories
Addition word problems - sums to 20
Add three one-digit numbers: word problems
Addition word problems - up to two digits
Add three numbers up to two digits each: word problems
Addition word problems - up to three digits
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
Making change
Customary units of length: word problems
Third Grade
Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems
Add three numbers up to three digits each: word problems
Add two numbers up to four digits: word problems
Add three numbers up to four digits each: word problems
Making change
Forth Grade
Find the change, price, or amount paid
Add child
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Forth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
Twelfth Grade
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Skylar has
pieces of gum to share with her friends. There wasn’t enough gum for all her friends, so she went to the store and got
pieces of strawberry gum and
pieces of bubble gum.
How many pieces of gum does Skylar have now?
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